VAHLE Crane Technology
Individual solutions for heavy loads

Cranes are used in many industries. Steel producers, recycling yards and companies from the construction industry VAHLE offers reliable systems for energy and data transmission.

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VAHLE Intralogistics automated small parts warehouse
Automated conveyor technology in the internal flow of goods

Increasing production rates, high throughput volumes and short delivery times require partially or fully automated intralogistics.

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VAHLE Automotive Electric Monorail System (EMS)
Innovative solutions for flexible production processes

Adaptable manufacturing processes are the key to the greatest possible efficiency in vehicle production. VAHLE solutions for energy and data transmission make a significant contribution to this.

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VAHLE Port Technology
Innovative solutions for the ports of tomorrow

Zero emission is the requirement for the port of the future. With the solutions for energy and data transmission from VAHLE, port operators are getting closer to this goal.

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VAHLE Amusement Rides Ferris Wheel
Intelligent solutions for the rides of the future

The amusement, leisure and adventure sectors are often at the cutting-edge of the industry. That's why many ride builders and manufactures rely on VAHLE to provide roller coaster and ride passengers with increasingly extraordinary experiences. 

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VAHLE People Mover streetcar
Automated transport systems for the mobility of the future

Streetcars, sky trains or rolling sidewalks are the future of resource-saving mobility. Many manufacturers rely on components from VAHLE for the design.

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VAHLE General Industry
Innovative solutions for special mobile applications

Stadium roofs, waste incineration plants, facade elevators: Mobile industrial applications are used in many areas. VAHLE offers various special solutions for reliable energy supply and data communication.

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VAHLE data communication
Data communication: fast, flexible and secure

Advancing digitization requires the transmission of ever greater volumes of data. Our vCOM solutions ensure reliable data communication for the control of automated conveyor systems at all times.

Solutions for data communication
VAHLE positioning
Positioning: robust, flexible and precise

Modern manufacturing requires automated conveyor systems that can be positioned with extreme precision. The prerequisites for this are created by our robust vPOS solutions, which are available with both magnetic and optical processes.

Solutions for positioning
VAHLE control
Control: mobile, scalable and efficient

Automation is shaping modern production processes more than ever. Numerous mobile conveyor units must be reliably controlled. With our versatile vDRIVE solutions, this can be achieved flexibly and with optimized performance.

Solutions for control systems
VAHLE system solution
System solutions: Everything from a single source

With our holistic system solutions, we offer a perfectly coordinated product combination of power transmission, data communication, positioning and control for a wide range of applications.

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VAHLE Services
VAHLE offers a wide range of services and support, including installation and commissioning, maintenance and repair, spare parts management and training. We are also available to serve as a general contractor for your project, if required.
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Zero emissions in ports

The Road to a Green Port Terminal

Decarbonization and net-zero emissions are not just buzzwords, they are highly relevant to society. They require new ways of thinking and new processes to enable their realization and implementation. Industrial companies have a key role to play in addressing the challenges and realizing the potential and opportunities to make this vision a reality.

Innovation and technology make this transformation possible. Especially in the worlds port terminals, the hubs of global goods traffic, the increasing handling of consumer goods has historically led to a rise in CO2 emissions.

However, terminals, global port operators and the entire related industry have been working for some time to achieve net-zero emissions and make container handling sustainable.

Explanation of the terms "Net Zero" and "Zero Emission"

What does Net Zero actually mean?

Net zero describes the state in which man-made greenhouse gas emissions are in global balance with the emissions that are removed from the atmosphere. Achieving net zero emissions rebalances the global carbon cycle.

So what is zero emission?

This term refers to the elimination of emissions of pollutants or greenhouse gases. The term "zero emission" clearly indicates that no harmful emissions are released into the environment in the application or process. This can be achieved by using zero-emission technologies such as renewable energy, electric vehicles or efficient manufacturing processes.

What is decarbonization and why is it important for zero emissions?

Decarbonization refers to the process of reducing or eliminating carbon emissions, especially CO2, in various sectors such as power generation, industry, transport and buildings. In the context of zero emissions, decarbonization plays a central role as it is an essential part of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to zero.

For our environment and society, what does Net Zero mean?

Achieving net zero is essential to limiting the effects of climate change and protecting the environment so that our world remains livable for future generations. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions, companies and societies are helping to slow global warming and safeguard the quality of life for future generations.

How do ports and zero emissions go together?

For ports, this means that container terminals are striving to drastically reduce their CO2 emissions while taking steps to offset the remaining emissions. Technologies such as electric conveyors, zero-emission terminal vehicles and renewable energy sources are playing a key role.

What is the global trend toward net zero and zero emissions?

There is a strong global trend toward reducing industrial emissions. Companies are increasingly focusing on renewable energy, energy efficiency measures and switching to low-emission technologies. Initiatives such as the EU's Green Deal are driving this change and setting clear targets for companies and entire countries.

EU efforts

"The Green Deal" and Germany's Greenhouse Gas Balance

With the Green Deal, the European Union has set itself the ambitious goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. The Green Deal covers a wide range of measures, including the promotion of renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable mobility.

Recent figures from Germany's Federal Environment Agency show that the country will emit 10.1 percent less greenhouse gases in 2023 than it did in the previous year, mainly due to measures such as the expansion of renewable energy.

Net zero in container terminals

How important is net zero in ports?

The transition to net zero in container terminals offers immense opportunities and potential for a more sustainable and cleaner future. By implementing green technologies and processes, container terminals can become leaders in creating a sustainable economy.

By going net zero, container terminals can dramatically reduce their environmental impact. By using renewable energy and optimizing energy and resource consumption, they can make a positive contribution to climate protection and minimize their environmental impact.

How useful is net zero in ports?

Net zero measures promote the sustainability of container terminals by relying on innovative technologies such as autonomous driving, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence.

Automating processes not only improves efficiency, but also increases worker safety and process reliability. By optimizing operations and using efficient technologies, container terminals can reduce costs and increase their competitiveness. Reducing energy consumption and making efficient use of resources leads to significant savings and sustainable economic growth.

How sustainable is net zero in ports?

Ultimately, it is the emissions avoided that make a port a net-zero terminal. Avoiding greenhouse gases and other harmful emissions not only contributes to climate protection, but also improves the quality of life in the surrounding communities and supports long-term sustainability.

Overall, Net Zero measures in container terminals offer a wide range of potential for a clean, efficient and future-proof port infrastructure. By investing in sustainable solutions, container terminals can make a significant contribution to meeting climate change targets and building a green, sustainable future for generations to come.

How can a port terminal become a Green Port?

A terminal operator can transform its port into a green port by setting clear and transparent goals, implementing low-emission technologies, and upgrading infrastructure. Progress can be made through partnerships and regular monitoring.

There are many opportunities, such as converting diesel generator-powered cranes and systems to efficient, automatically controlled applications. Of course, this is just one of many measures that can transform a port into a forward-looking and sustainable green port.

What are possible approaches to reducing emissions?

Contributing to a greener industry by reducing emissions can be achieved through various automation technologies. These include the electrification of RTG cranes and the implementation of conductor-based systems that can reduce emissions.

Also relevant are power and data solutions for STS cranes and container gantry cranes, as well as high-capacity battery charging contacts for AGVs. These technologies enable more efficient energy transmission, helping to reduce emissions and contribute to a greener industry.

How does Zero Emission affect port operators?

Zero-emission initiatives can have both positive and negative effects on a company's profitability. Transitioning to zero emission technologies can lead to long-term cost savings through efficiency gains and give companies a competitive advantage by positioning themselves as environmentally conscious and taking advantage of regulatory benefits.

However, the transition requires significant up-front investments that can lead to short-term financial burdens, as well as business disruptions and uncertainty.

Challenges in the transformation to zero-emission operation

Financial challenges

Financial challenges
Financial considerations play an important role in green port transformation. Although initial investments in sustainable technologies can be a burden, these costs are amortized through a quick ROI. In addition, green ports benefit from government incentives and funding programs that further reduce the financial burden. Investing in sustainable technologies is therefore not only environmentally sound, but also economically advantageous and profitable in the long term.

Technological barriers

Technological barriers need to be overcome, for example by modernizing power and automation solutions for conveyor and crane applications, and by implementing modern infrastructure.

Complexity of regulations

Regulatory challenges can also significantly hinder the transition to sustainable practices. Complex regulatory frameworks and compliance requirements can delay or even prevent the implementation of green initiatives. At the same time, the seamless integration of alternative energy sources such as renewables and electric vehicles is a major challenge.

Infrastructural barriers

Infrastructural and dimensional challenges are critical. The size and complexity of port operations create additional difficulties, particularly in terms of space and historically grown terminal areas.

Training intensity

The intensity of training and employee engagement is essential to the success of the transition to zero emissions, but it also requires a strong commitment, heightened awareness and belief in the goal of zero emissions.

Cultural barriers

It's also important to consider the social and societal aspects. This will help promote the acceptance of zero-emissions measures.

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Enablers for Sustainability

Energy transmission and data communication solutions for mobile applications play a crucial role in reducing emissions in industrial areas such as container terminals. Historically, mobile applications such as cranes have been a significant source of emissions, particularly through the use of diesel generators or fossil fuels.


With rising energy costs and growing environmental awareness, the transformation of ports and industrial sites into environmentally friendly cargo handling locations is of great importance. The development of green ports has made a significant contribution to reducing emissions in recent years.


Supporting the automation and modernization of port infrastructures with reliable solutions for energy and data transmission, positioning and control also contributes to sustainability. The focus is on making processes more efficient and environmentally friendly.

The use of energy transmission and data communication for mobile applications contributes significantly to making ports and industrial sites more sustainable. Historically, mobile applications such as cranes have been significant sources of emissions, especially when powered by diesel generators or fossil fuels. The research and development of new technologies to improve industrial energy supply is an important step towards sustainability.


With rising energy costs and increasing environmental awareness, the move to greener port and manufacturing sites is becoming increasingly important.  The development of green ports has made a significant contribution to reducing emissions in recent years. The ongoing automation and modernization of port infrastructures, including technologies such as autonomous driving and remote-controlled cranes, play a crucial role in reducing environmental impact.


A variety of innovative system solutions are being developed to meet the needs of tomorrow's ports. In addition to technical support, services such as training and maintenance are also offered to ensure long-term partnerships and meet customer needs.

Many different measures in and around the container terminal ensure that a port can become a green port.


These measures include the electrification of RTG cranes and the implementation of busbar-based systems, which can effectively reduce emissions. In addition, solutions for the energy and data supply of STS cranes and container gantry cranes as well as automatic loading options are of great importance. The conversion of intra-terminal transport to all-electric and, in the future, autonomous trucks will make a significant contribution to further reducing emissions and increasing sustainability at the terminal.


Another important approach to reducing emissions is "cold ironing," also known as shore-to-ship power, where ships are connected to shore power while in port. Using shore power allows ships to turn off their generators, resulting in a significant reduction in emissions.


These technologies enable more efficient energy transmission, helping to reduce emissions and make the port industry more environmentally friendly.

Solutions for the port

Technologies that help achieve NET ZERO

In today's port industry, reliable power and data transmission systems play a critical role in efficient and sustainable operations. VAHLE is a leader in providing solutions for STS, RTG and RMG cranes that not only increase performance but also help to reduce environmental impact.

Our Green Port solutions offer a wide range of technological solutions aimed at achieving Net Zero goals. These include advanced electrical power transmission systems for mobile applications, high-precision positioning technologies, efficient data transmission solutions and high-performance battery charging contacts for vehicles. By implementing these solutions, terminal operators can use renewable energy in a sustainable and future-proof way, minimizing their CO2 emissions.


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VAHLE Visions Port

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Example of successful practice

VAHLE and Felixstowe

Since its inception in 2015, the partnership between VAHLE and the Port of Felixstowe has been a remarkable success story.

To date, more than 100 Rubber Tyred Gantry (RTG) cranes have been successfully electrified and automated at the UK's largest deep-sea port. In addition, more than 70 container aisles have been equipped with state-of-the-art energy and data transmission systems. The project received the Port of Felixstowe Environment Award for these pioneering measures to reduce emissions and increase efficiency.

Through the use of zero-emission technologies, Hutchison Ports aims to achieve net-zero emissions in the UK by 2035.

Read more about this initiative here.

Discover solutions for your application

eRTG cranes

Power and data transmission for rubber-tyred gantry cranes

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STS cranes

Power and data transmission for container gantry cranes

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Straddle Carriers

Energy supply for straddle carriers

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RMG cranes

Power and data transmission for rail-mounted gantry cranes

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Automated guided vehicles (AGV)

Power transmission for automated terminal vehicles

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Terminal automation and pioneer for zero emissions

Discover our solutions for Green Ports in our latest Port Technology brochure!

Download our port brochure now and learn how VAHLE's sustainable and innovative technologies enable maximum efficiency and zero emissions for an environmentally friendly port industry.


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Our team of experts is ready to answer your questions and help you meet your challenges!

We have the answers to all your questions and can help you with your Net Zero project.

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